All AnnouncementsWEBINAR/WORKSHOP 5:
Published Date: Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Dear colleagues and students,
Please join us at the continuation of the drawing workshops organized by the Faculty of Architecture for both Architecture and Interior architecture departments and students, so to horizontally coordinate Farc 101, 102, 103, and 104 courses of our faculty, and to offer some extra curriculum activities to our first-year students and motivate them for their educational processes.
From Pencil to computer: Architectural graphic communication in the digital era - SKETCHUP
Wednesday, Online in Teams/ Date: 14 . 12. 2022 / 16.30 - 18.00
The upcoming workshop is mandatory for the students in Farc 104 course but open to all other Farc course students.
All other necessary information for the students will be given during the workshop.
All the following workshops are already planned and will be announced accordingly.
Thank you in advance for your interest and participation